Dogs & a Water Park

This is an action project for my STEAM class called Population. Unit 2 of my Population class was called "From/To". In this unit, we focused on Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Natural Selection, and organisms' ability to adapt to their environments. We have been learning the difference between mutation, natural selection, variation, and evolution. We have been trying to incorporate this into the real world and how it can affect the animals we know today. We have also been learning about the mean, median, and mode along with the first quartile, third quartile, and the IQR. For this Action Project, my class was supposed to find around twenty cats and dogs. We then collected their weights and approximate heights and put them into a spreadsheet. After that, we were each assigned a random group of cats or dogs and an environment that would be their new home. With our new groups and environment, we were supposed to predict which traits would help our animals would and wouldn't survive in the new environment, and through evolution, how they would adapt to these environments.

CH. "Dogs and a Water Park." 2019.

In conclusion, I think that the dogs that I chose will eventually learn to adapt to the new environment. I believe that the dogs will evolve and mutate to better suit their new environment. I hoped you enjoyed this project because I certainly did. I was very interested in collecting data based on real-life specimens, especially since dogs are my favorite animal.


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