
Showing posts from February, 2019

Can Fuel be Crude?

My current STEAM class this term is called "Fuel". In this class, we are focusing on energy. We have learned a lot about different types of energies like coal, oil, and natural gas just to name a few. We revisited how to graph, find slope, y-intercept, and how to make predictions based on the given information. We also learned about elements atomic mass, weight, the symbol of an element in the periodic table, its group, and period. We had an FE guest come in and talk to us about fuel and energy. Our FE guest was from NicorGas company. She explained to us the different types of fuel, both renewable and non-renewable. She explained how we got gas and heat to our house. I believe that the FE guest helped me deepen my understanding of some of the fuels. To end the first unit of "Fuel"; my teacher has asked that every student produce a slideshow. The slideshow must include the oil productions of two different countries over a span of three decades. I chose to compare t

Respect Makes the World Go Round

My current humanities class this term is called "Who Am I?". In this class, we are focusing on philosophy. We have learned a lot about Greek philosophers like Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. We learned the basic disciplines and theories of many Greek philosophers. We also researched the events that could influence many philosophers in their way of thinking. We also had an FE guest come in and talk to us about behaviorism. Our FE guest was a professional dog trainer. She explained to us how the use of behaviorism is demonstrated through like training a dog to sit or lay down. She then put us through a game. The game was similar to a positive reward training that is commonly used to train dogs. I found this game to be a very helpful example to explain the philosophy of behaviorism. To end the first unit of "Who Am I?"; my teacher has asked that every student produce a podcast. The podcast must include what I believe and what personal experience influence