
Showing posts from November, 2018

Fun in the Sun

One of my classes is called Biomimicry. Biomimicry means mimicking life, in this context, it is humans learning about the ways other species of animals and plants solve problems, then applying it within our own society.  For instance, Velcro is a man-made material that is very useful. Many people do not know that that Velcro was actually inspired by a plant called Burdock, most commonly known as a bur plant.  This is just one of the many revolutionary inventions inspired by nature. In my class, we also went on experience to talk to people within a company called Interface. My class learned that this company uses sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint and waste in the world. Interface also took patterns from nature to design their carpet patterns, this is a form of biomimicry. For my action project, we had to choose a plant, study the features of that certain plant, and then create something inspired by what we found. I chose the Cypress Trees, they are very common, so I