Slowly Sloth
Hello! For the first STEAM class of the year, Population, we learned about taxonomy, set theory, quadrilaterals, and biology. To prepare for this class over the summer we read In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall. We also went on our first FE to the Lincoln Park Zoo where we chose the animal we would study for our AP. We then continued to study our animal by visiting the Field Museum to observe the taxidermy animal we had chosen. For our AP we had to create a project explaining the taxonomy of the animal of choice. I chose Hoffman's two-toed sloth because I think sloths are really interesting. In the project, you will read about Hoffman's two-toed sloth, its habitat, taxonomic categories, and the morphological traits that show the taxonomic categories. You will also learn about set theory and how my animal compares to other animals my classmates have chosen. I hope you enjoy it! CH. "Slowly Sloth." 2019, Issuu CH. ¨Sloth GIF.¨ 2019 In conclusion, I reall...
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