Biscuits on the Rise

In unit two of our Food class, we learned all about baking, pH scales, and. During our unit, we visited Big Delicious Planet where we got to take a look at their garden which is where they get some of their food and we also got to take a look at their kitchen where everything is prepped, stored and shipped off to wherever it needs to be. We also went to a homeless shelter and talked to the main baker that would cook for over 500 people a day. For our AP we had to take a biscuit recipe and substitute one of the ingredients for a completely different ingredient. We then had to observe what changes happened between our original(controlled) recipe and experimental recipe. I hope you enjoy and learn more about baking within this AP.

CH. "Lab Report." 2019

Source Cited:
“Perfect Homemade Biscuits Every Time!” Mom On Timeout, 9 Dec. 2018,


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