Housing SHOULD be a human right!

During my first Humanities class, during freshman year. We learned about the sustainable development goals set by the united nations. We focused on goal one, no poverty. Goal two, zero hunger. Goal three, quality education. We took a trip to the Lincoln Park Community Shelter to learn about the effects of the limited resources in our neighborhood. We then cooked them lunch to show gratitude and thanks for allowing us to enter into the community that they have formed. My end unit project is focusing on ending extreme poverty and whether adequate shelter, health care, and free primary and secondary school should be a human right. Each year, the homeless costs the government almost $50,000 per person, according to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. That is more spent per person than some people below the poverty line make. People should not have to endure a life of poverty. They should have the human right to adequate shelter, health care, and free prima...