The 20/20 on COVID-19

In my STEAM course called Disease we recently finished our third unit called “World”. In this unit we focused on the spread of diseases. We studied the different classifications of diseases. We focused on the different aspects that are considered when a disease is affecting a community. We studied how epidemics affect the world. We also learned different key concepts epidemiologists use regarding the spread of diseases. For this AP we were instructed to pick a disease of our interest. We then had to study a particular outbreak of this disease from the past. The purpose of this project is to create a newspaper article that informs readers about the outbreak we chose. The article explains what caused the outbreak, how the outbreak was controlled, and what we can do to avoid an outbreak like it from happening again. This AP led me to learn a lot about disease that is current in our world today, COVID-19. Currently we are facing a pandemic. I found it really interesting that I had the oppo...