An Unjust Chicago

In my humanities class, "A Nations Argument", we recently finished our second unit called Antithesis. In this unit, we learned about logical fallacies, premises, and the difference between valid and sound arguments. We learned about life in the US after separating from Britain. We looked closely at the United States Constitution and how the amendments were first used in supreme court cases. We met virtually with public defender Connie Jordan, 27th ward Alderman Burnett, and 40th ward Alderman Vasquez. To end this unit, our teacher asked us all to amend an ordinance in the Chicago Municipal code that we believe is unjust. I picked Chicago's hate-crime ordinance. Unjust Chicago Municipal Code: 8-4-085 Hate crimes. (a) No person shall, by reason of any motive or intent relating to, or any antipathy, animosity or hostility based upon, the actual or perceived race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, ancestry, sexual orientation, active or prior military status, or m...