Laziness Gets You Nowhere!

In our second unit, Fables, we learned about the cultural morals and background of stories told around the world. We learned what and how symbolism and symbols are used in stories. We also learned how authors use stereotypical characteristics of animals to help readers recognize and identify a character. We learned about the different types of characters there are within a story. For this AP, we had to create our own fable. Our fables had to use animals and give them human characteristics in order to portray a certain moral. I created my own fable with some background in my life. The moral in my story is about laziness. Read my fable to find out the Tale of Kimba the Lion. The Lazy Lion CH. ¨Lion.¨ 2019 Kimba loved the sun. He adored it's warm and radiant beams of light it sent across the vast savannah he called home. He loved to bathe in the sun’s outstretched rays, reaching out to lull him back to sleep. Today was not one of those days. Kimba was then pulled out of his...