We the People, Free the People

In my freshman humanities class, we are learning about the 17 Sustainable Development goals created by the United nations. (Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.) At the end of the first term, we chose one of the seventeen goals that we wanted to focus on. We had to research why that goal exists, and what it does for us today. We had to refer this all back to a country, whether it is upholding that goal or not. I choose Australia to compare and contrast the standards for Sustainable Development Goal number 16. I also learned many global facts about SDG number 16. This includes the progress that has been made, the current state of this issue, and the things that regular people can do to help achieve this goal. "At least 1,019 human rights defenders and journalists have been killed in 61 countries since 2015." (UN) Many places in the world still experience multiple forms of violence. In many place...