print ("Coding.")

For this unit of Coding, we looked at python coding in We learned about input, print, random, and math function. We practiced coding using Codeskultpture and For this AP, we were asked to develop a python code calculator. I decided to focus on creating a calculator that allows users to easily calculate compounding interest. The second part of this AP was to create a form letter that we could use. I created a form letter for students to submit feedback and questions to the GCE student council. Check out my codes and see how they turned out. 

Student Council Letter Form

Compounding Interest Calculator

Overall this AP was very helpful. I was able to code a calculator to help with my economics class which was really nice. I did have to do some research in order to get the calculation that would allow my code to work. I also had to do research to figure out how to change the final amount into currency form so that it would show up in money form. Once I got a hang of the formula for compounding interest, it was easier to put the calculator together and code it. At first, I was trying to create a mad libs parody, but then I changed it to an input form. This form was a bit difficult at first because I had to figure out how to correspond each input with its output at the very end. Overall it was a very interesting and fun experience. I will definitely be using python code to help create things in the future.  


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